NAMI on Campus
I founded Western New England University's first chapter of NAMI on Campus. NAMI stands for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. I consider myself to be a mental health advocate, so starting this club was a great way to support the cause and work toward eliminating the stigma against mental health.
I began researching mental health clubs during the summer between my sophomore and junior year, and I chose NAMI by the fall. I pushed it through the Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development, held a couple of info sessions to collect sign-ups, and got in contact with NAMI Massachusetts and NAMI Western Mass. By the spring of my junior year, we were a club recognized by the school and a chapter recognized by NAMI.
As President, my responsibilities included planning and running club and executive board meetings, allocating tasks and approving ideas, doing research to provide other members with necessary information, and handling the marketing for the club and its events. In order to gain traction and exposure, we started teaming up with other clubs on campus to co-host their events. Once we gathered a large enough group of engaged members, we were able to run our own events and activities on campus. Our first Mental Illness Awareness Week was very successful. Our social media presence also grew with each event we did. The club is still thriving to this day.