About Natasha's Creations
Natasha's Creations is a small art business primarily offering needle felted sculptures and digital and acrylic paintings at craft fairs and on Etsy. I also take commissions, and I do eventually want to move off of Etsy.
It's a way for me to tap into my childhood and explore the world through different lenses. Unlock your imagination and visit places you haven't dreamt of in a while through my curious and nostalgic creations.
Welcome to a world of whimsy. I'm always adding new projects.
My Art Journey
I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, with the goal of someday being a professional artist. I was mostly self-taught until I took an art class in high school and realized there was more to art than just drawing what you see. I minored in art in college and learned all about different techniques and mediums, and composition and color theory. It took a while to find my personal style, and I'm still working on developing it, but I would describe my art as simple and whimsical. My goal with my art used to be hyperrealism, but now I'm trying to add more magic into my work.
Portraits and landscapes are my favorite subjects, and I do a lot of fan art because I'm an escapist at heart and love to immerse myself in different worlds. Graphite and colored pencil are my first loves, but I also got into digital art a few years ago, and I'm working on my acrylic paint and watercolor skills.
I love working with my hands and making things! I started crafting when I was a kid and realized that if I wanted something that either didn't exist or was too expensive, I could just make it myself, and it would be more special because it was handmade. The possibilities were endless.
I took a pottery class in high school and a jewelry making class in college. I spent a good chunk of my senior year of high school in the hospital with a rare condition, and I would weave friendship bracelets to pass the time. I recently got a kumihimo loom to braid bracelets on. A few years ago, I taught myself to sew by watching YouTube videos and almost immediately went out to by fabric to make a super ambitious Buizel plush with no plan or pattern. After that proejct, I just stuck to basic round plushies you can find on my Etsy shop. They're great stress buddies. I've also tried amigurumi crochet and making pipe cleaner animals.
I'll give any craft a fair shot, but my true passion is needle felting. Sometime after I graduated college, needle felting videos started popping up on my YouTube feed, and I started falling asleep to them (It's the only ASMR I've ever enjoyed). I decided to try it myself and bought a few kits online. Once I learned the technique and became comfortable needle felting on my own, the whole world of wool craft opened up for me. The possibilities were endless, just like when I was kid crafting things. I deep-dove into different types of wools and fibers, different tools, and different techniques, and I'm still growing my skills and trying new things.
I'm always looking for new projects and different creative outlets. I dabbled in animation for while. I'm an amateur cell phone landscape photographer, and I enjoy getting creative with photo editing. I joined a couple of writing groups for a while, and I'm working on a collection of poems and short stories. I'm also really into creating/designing whimsical characters. Whystica (a combination of "whimsical," "wistful," and "mystical") is the world that ties my creations together.
The Innocent
The Innocent StoryBrand archetype values joy, simplicity, and comfort. It's honest and dependable, a wholesome idealist you can trust. It evokes the hope and purity of childhood. The Innocent's goal is to inspire others to take a step back and find peace and happiness.
My goal with my work is to inspire hope, curiosity, and wonder through magic and nostalgia.